Friday 12 July 2013

Solution for your Nasal Polyps & Fungal Sinusitis Through MLP - DRAF3 ( Latest Technology in Sinus Surgery )

Endoscopic sinus surgery and Functional Endoscopic Sinus surgery (FESS) are names given to operations for people with chronic or severe sinus infections. Endoscopic sinus surgery is done from inside the nose and avoids external cuts. Before surgery, the specialist will examine your nose with a small telescope and arrange for a CT scan of your sinuses.

The purpose of Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery (FESS) is to open and enlarge the connection between the sinuses and the nose, allowing for proper drainage. Sinuses are air pockets between the facial bones. Some open into the nose. If the lining of the sinuses become infected it is called sinusitis. Sinusitis causes swelling and inflammation that blocks the sinus openings. The sinuses fill with fluid and, when infected, with yellow-green matter. Infected swollen sinuses cause pressure and pain.
FESS may be used to treat severe acute sinusitis, chronic sinusitis or recurrent bouts of sinusitis. Small incisions or cuts are made to allow the scope to pass. The cuts are made inside the nose. The physician may remove polyps, cysts or thickened mucus membranes. 

Endoscopic Frontal Sinusotomy (Draf II Procedure)
Endoscopic frontal sinusotomy, or Draf II procedure, is indicated for patients with severe forms of chronic frontal sinus disease that have failed after endoscopic frontal recess approach. This extended drainage procedure involves resection of the floor of the frontal sinus from the nasal septum medially, to the lamina papyracea laterally. The dissection involves removal of the anterior face of the frontal recess. Thus, the frontal sinus ostium is enlarged to its maximum dimension.

Evaluation of multiple consecutive coronal images or sagittal reformatted images can demonstrate extensive removal of the anterior face of the frontal recess and frontal sinus floor when compared to the frontal recess approach. The endoscopic frontal sinusotomy MLP(Modified Lothrop Procedure) DRAF3 procedure can be easily distinguished from the Draf III procedure by the lack of resection of the superior nasal septum and entire frontal sinus floor.

About GV ENT Centre 

GV ENT Centre is the leading ENT clinic in Kochi provides work class treatment of comprehensive ear, nose and throat care at an afforadable cost. Clinic is managed by Dr. George Varghese, who is one of the best ent doctor in Kochi and he has done many success surgeries. This E.N.T. centre providers latest treatments and technologies to give the highest quality of care for patients of all age.
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