Tuesday 21 April 2015

Treatment for Sinusitis in India

Para-nasal Sinus

A hollow, air-filled cavities in the skull that lined by a mucous membrane is known as the Para-nasal sinuses because of their formation from the nasal mucosa and their continued communication with nasal fascia.


Development of Sinuses

  • Aerated at birth
    •     Maxillary Sinuses
  • Age 6-7
    •     Frontal/sphenoidal sinuses
  • Puberty-approx 17--18 years
    •     Ethmoid

A condition consisting of inflammation of the para-nasal sinus is called Sinusitis. The Sinusitis is associated inflammation of the nose, thus the term rhino-sinusitis is used now a days.
Sinusitis most commonly develops as a complication of a viral infection of the upper respiratory tract. A particularly challenging is to distinguish viral from bacterial sinusitis. In most cases rhino-viral illness improves in 7 to 10 days.

There are 2 basic kinds of sinusitis.
  • Acute Sinusitis 
    • lasts up to four weeks.
  • Chronic Sinusitis 
    • lasts more than twelve weeks and can linger for years.

The cause of chronic sinusitis can be hard to pin down & hard to treat. In this case we are providing Advanced Endoscopic Sinus Surgeries along with  LOTHROP Procedure is used to enlarge nasal pathways and normal sinus drainage.
The GV ENT Centre is an advanced diagnostic Centre for Sinus & Nasal care (including Cosmetic Surgery of the nose) in Kochi, Kerala.
Dr. George Varghese is one of the prominent ENT surgeons in Kerala.

For more details about Sinusitis treatments visit: www.gvent.net
For online consultation: gventcenter@gmail.com

Monday 6 April 2015

Best Treatment for sinusitis in India

Sinus and Sinusitis

Paranasal sinuses are air filled spaces placed in the head. There are 4 pairs of sinuses named as maxillary sinuses, ethmoid sinuses, front sinuses and sphenoid sinuses. Sinusitis is a swelling of the sinus lining and drainage pathways. It can result to blocked or poor sinus damage.


What is the typical Sinusitis symptoms?

-Bad breath or loss smell
-Cough, often worse at night
-Fatigue and generally not feeling well
-Headache and pressure
-Nasal stuffiness and discharge
-Sore throat and postnasal drip

Causes of Sinusitis

The possible sinusitis triggers are common cold and other viral respiratory illnesses. The environmental irritants such as tobacco smoke or air pollution, nasal polyps that block or slow drainage and anatomy modifications, such as a deviated septum, that thin drainage pathways are the causes sinusitis.


Different types of Sinusitis (Acute and Chronic Sinusitis)

There are two types of Sinusitis are Acute Sinusitis and Chronic Sinusitis. The Acute Sinusitis lasts up to four weeks and Chronic Sinusitis lasts more than twelve weeks and can hang around years.

In many patients, allergic sinusitis develops first and then bacterial inflammation occurs. For these people, previous medication of allergic sinusitis may limit progress of secondary bacterial sinusitis. The symptoms of Chronic & Acute Sinusitis are similar facial pressure and pain thick discolored mucus congestion.


Treatment for Sinusitis

The Endoscopic Sinus Surgeries along with altered LOTHROP Procedure is used to expand drainage pathways and sinus openings to improve drainage. It is a new form of surgery has been refined for polyp allergy and fungal sinusitis. This form of surgery is total sphenoethnidectomy including DRAF III ( Mutated Lothrop procedure). Through this surgery the sinuses are opened widely, because of that the inflammation is removed completely and nasal washes with drugs can reach all parts of the sinuses. Thus the polyps & fungus resulting from allergy are completely controlled.
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The GV ENT Centre is an advanced diagnostic Centre for Sinus & Nasal care (including Cosmetic Surgery of the nose) in Kochi, Kerala.
Dr. George Varghese is one of the prominent ENT surgeons in Cochin.

For more details about Sinusitis teatments visit: www.gvent.net
For online consultation: gventcenter@gmail.com