Tuesday 17 February 2015

Sinusitis Treatment in India

Sinus Pain Attack!!!


Sinus problems are normal reasons people see their doctors. Symptoms include pain in between the eyes or forehead, stuffy nose, toothache, feeling of fullness in the mid-face and congestion.

What Is Sinusitis?

Infection of the tissues lining the sinuses is known as sinusitis. Infections with bacteria, viruses or allergies cause the major part of cases of sinusitis.
Highest cases of sinusitis start off with the infection from a virus such as the common cold. This infection can lead to bacterial migration and cause a bacterial sinus infection.

Chronic Sinusitis and Nasal Polyps

Chronic sinusitis is defined as infection of the sinuses that lasts for more than three months. Nasal polyps are an overgrowth of tissue within the sinuses that can block the flow of mucus and air.


Nasal Decongestants

Nasal sprays and nasal decongestants can be used for relief of the symptoms of acute sinusitis. Consult doctor before using any drugs to treat your sinusitis.

Sinusitis Prevention

You may not be able to completely avoid getting sinusitis, but there are many ways to prevent it in some cases:
  • Don't smoke
  • Avoid dry environments
  • Use humidifier when needed
  • Drink more fluids
  • Seek treatment for chronic allergy that can trigger sinus infection 


  GV ENT Centre Helps You...

Chronic sinusitis is generally difficult to treat. There are multiplied factors that can lead to chronic infection of your sinus passages, and cut away these factors is the primary step in sinusitis treatment of chronic sinusitis. Long-term medicine or even surgery may be unavoidable to control and treat symptoms.
Surgery in GV ENT Centre is well equipped with latest technologies and all other modern felicities.

When to Visit the Doctor?

If your sinusitis symptoms include the following, please visit your doctor urgently:
  • Fever
  • Headache
  • Neck stiffness
  • Severe sore throat
  • A yellow or green mucus discharge.

Dr. George in GV ENT Centre provides sinusitis infection treatment. If you have any matters or are doubtful about your condition, contact doctor.


For more details please go through www.gvent.net
For free online consultation E-Mail: gventcenter@gmail.com